When reading a book you use your imagination to visualize what you’re reading and if story is “horrible” either you stop reading or continue reading with a different mindset. When watching a movie is harder to do the later; especially when images are so beautiful plus young and older actors create such compelling characters, you get involved, you want to continue watching and you do it until the end –if and when you love cinema. That’s exactly what I did.
While watching I was wondering what the metaphor was, what was the story trying to convey beyond the horrible things I was hearing and the submissive behavior I was watching. By the time I clearly got what this movie was about, the film was over and I was feeling miserable.
Mark Romanek’s film is a drama with its essence on Sci-Fi; but this is not your usual science fiction film and you will not see anything Sci-Fi at all. Film feels, looks and has a rhythm like many ‘old fashion’ romance films where love comes from childhood friendship and is not the easy type when there is a trio involved. But since characters are children you notice that something is different within and around them; still the love story –plus the outstanding performances and visuals- make you watch the unusual behavior (so well performed by young and older actors) but you send it to the back of your mind. It is at almost the end that you gasp the reason why to everything that’s odd with characters, situations and story in general.
Think that’s impossible to tell what this movie is about without giving away the plot; I won’t tell you spoilers but I will tell you that is about cloning, about breeding clones for future organs harvesting. If you haven’t read the book you need to know at least the precedent to not feel so bad when film is over.
To me this is Carey Mulligan (Kathy) movie, she’s extraordinary, outstanding even more –if possible- than in An Education; but Keira Knightley (Ruth) and Andrew Garfield (Tommy) are very good too, as well as the three young actors that perform the younger characters with especial mention to Izzy Meikle-Small who performs young Kathy impressible similar to older Kathy. It’s really a strong performed film, which makes viewers involvement not only easier but makes everything more dramatic.
Cinematography is spectacular, beautiful and glorious; which eases watching everything that happens with story but –again- makes everything more impact full and more dramatic. Tech specs are impeccable and don’t doubt that film will continue to get honors during the current award season as Carey Mulligan already started to collect some. Film is quite good especially when considering that director is better known for making videos.
Still have story in my mind; but one message will stay longer, the ‘use’ of art and poetry to prove they had a soul. Yes is a strong story in an unusual drama/romance that surely will give you lots of food for thought. I strongly suggest you don’t miss it, even if you read the book.
Watch trailer @MOC