Not long ago the Argentinean Academy announced the nominees for this year Premio Sur and here they are.
Best Film
Carancho, Pablo Trapero
Cuestión de principios, Rodrigo Grande
Dos Hermanos, Daniel Burman
*El Hombre de al Lado (The Man Next Door), Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat
Best First Film
Andrés no quiere dormir la siesta, Daniel Bustamante
Rompecabezas, Natalia Smirnoff
Sangre del Pacífico, Boy Olmi
*Sin Retorno, Miguel Cohan
Best Director
Anahí Berneri for Por tu Culpa
*Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat for El Hombre de al Lado
Pablo Trapero for Carancho
Best Actress
Graciela Borges in Dos Hermanos
Martina Gusmán in Carancho
*Erica Rivas in Por tu Culpa
Julieta Zylberberg in La Mirada Invisible
Best Actor
*Daniel Araoz in El Hombre de al Lado
Ricardo Darín in Carancho
Osmar Nuñez in La Mirada Invisible
Leonardo Sbaraglia in Sin Retorno
The only film I have seen is Carancho that got 11 nominations and surely it’s the favorite to win in most categories where was nominated; but will try to watch one or two more. To check nominees in other categories go here or here. Award ceremony will be on December 14.
Awards comments
Truly impressive that Carancho was shut down from these awards as got not even one of the 11 nominations it had. To check winners in all categories please go here with the list and later on go to the Academy Official site that's here.