Our discussion started with some of my friends saying that the film has too many clichés and the word was used in a very derogatory way. But I said: not really, there are not many clichés… just is a very inaccurate portrait of what many women will do and unfortunately many will watch it as the two big stars will attract many viewers that are not regularly interested in the lesbian interest genre.
As I noted in previous posts I’m really tired about lesbian interest films where couples are trying or having babies but this story was promising as none has deal with what happens years after when kids are older and want to learn about their biological father. Even if was not nothing new for the heterosexual cinema, it was going to be new in the homosexual cinema. Film credentials were great with Lisa Cholodenko co writing script and directing (remember great High Art, Laurel Canyon or some episodes from The L Word?); plus casting two excellent actresses made this film an absolutely must be seen film for many that enjoy the genre and also for those that don’t.
So, what went wrong? The amazingly incoherent story. Even if I accepted to write in the blog about the film I’m not going to do an in-depth analysis of the awful story, just going to talk about two crucial issues.
According to what I read in the few (impressive that community is so quiet) lesbian interest sites that talk about the film, most strongly disliked that Jules (Julianne Moore) slept with Paul (Mark Ruffalo) especially when considering how long Jules and Nic (Annette Bening) have been together and no matter if Jules was or not bisexual, omnisexual, or whatever other word that justifies her actions. For most it was absolutely unacceptable and not real. I believe sexuality is fluid and VERY personal, so it didn’t bother me much that Jules had sex with Paul; but it bothered me the adultery, the unfaithfulness and don’t accept it as real especially when considering how the story resolves the mess it created, with Jules and Nic back together.
The second issue is what got me. There is a scene with Nic and Jules in bed watching a porn video to get them in the mood for sex. I don’t appreciate porn but I know many people and lesbian women that get turn on by porn. What’s almost impossible is that two women get turn on with two men having sex. Gay sex audience is ‘mainly’ only gay men. Who got this stupid idea? Lisa Cholodenko or maybe co writer Stuart Blumberg?
Nevertheless I admit that I didn’t stop watching and that main reason was, is Annette Bening performance that’s simply amazing and know that will get her honors. Unfortunately her excellent performance is in a film that should pass into oblivion fast.
No, can’t recommend the film but know that many that read the blog have already seen it and maybe if we start a conversation I could share other issues that are incredibly awful in this film.
No trailer, film doesn’t deserve my promotion.