Opening film: Chicogrande, Felipe Cazals, Mexico
《老那》Addicted to Love, Liu Hao, China
*Aita, José María de Orbe, Spain
Akma-Reul bo-at-da (I Saw The Devil), Kim je-woon, Korea
Amigo, John Sayles, USA and Philippines
*Cerro Bayo (Mount Bayo), Victoria Galardi, Argentina
Elisa K, Judith Colell and Jordi Cadena, Spain
Genpin, Naomi Kawase, Japan (documentary)
El Gran Vazquez (The Great Vazquez), Oscar Aibar, Spain
Hjem til jul (Home for Christmas), Bent Hamer, Norway, Sweden and Germany (will watch)
A Jamaâ (The Mosque), Daoud Aoulad-Syad, Morocco and France
Misterios de Lisboa (Mysteries of Lisbon), Raúl Ruiz, Portugal
Neds, Peter Mullan, UK, France and Italy
Pa Negre (Black Bread), Agustí Villaronga, Spain
*Satte Farben Vor Schwarz (Colors in the Dark), Sophie Heldman, Germany and Switzerland
*Eligible for the Kuxta-New Directors Award
Out of Competition
Closing Film: Elle S'Appelait Sarah (Sarah's Key), Gilles Paquet-Brenner, France
Bicicleta, Cullera, Poma (Bicycle, Spoon, Apple), Carles Bosch, Spain
Eat Pray Love, Ryan Murphy, USA
President: Goran Paskaljevic, director, Serbia
Jo Allen, make-up artist
José Coronado, Actor, Sppain
Claudia Llosa, filmmaker, Peru
Raya Marin, director, Philippines
Pablo Trapero, director/producer, Argentina
Lucy Walker, director, UK
Julia Roberts will receive the Donostia Award on September 20, an award that last year went to Sir Ian McKellen.
The fest other sections include the Classic Retrospective this year dedicated to Don Siegel, creator of American B-Movies some becoming classic like 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but better known for 1971 Dirty Harry. Also the Thematic Retrospective this year dedicated to non-fiction cinema has the title: .doc-New paths of non-fiction.
Will update the post as movies are announced, there could be one or two that maybe are not in the main competition and will be screened out of it. To check info about the films go here.