Abel, Diego Luna, Mexico
A Tiro de Piedra (A Stone Throw Away), Sebastián Hiriart, Mexico
Agua Fria de Mar, Paz Fábrega, Costa Rica, France, Spain and Mexico
Lo Que Mas Quiero, Delfina Castagnino, Argentina
La Mirada Invisible (The Invisible Eye), Diego Lerman, Argentina, Spain and France
Norberto Apenas Tarde (Norberto's Deadline), Daniel Hendler, Uruguay and Argentina
Nostalgia de la Luz, Patricio Guzmán, France, Germany and Chile
Octubre (October), Daniel Vega and Diego Vega, Peru
Por Tu Culpa (It's Your Fault), Anahí Berneri, Argentina
Post Mortem, Pablo Larraín, Chile, Mexico and Germany
Rompecabezas (Puzzle), Natalia Smirnoff, Argentina and France
To read about each movie and see photos go here. Will update list if necessary when published to the official site, as list comes from press release.
Haven't been very active this year but even me have heard about most of the films in competition this year, there are only four films that are new to me and from those, most come from Argentina. Most films were in Cannes, other will be at La Biennale and few were in BAFICI. Not many new, only films doing the festival circuit.