From November 20 to 28 the fest run in Tokyo and a few hours ago announced the award winners. Here they are.
Grand Prize: ふゆの獣 Fuyu no Kemono (Love Addiction), Nobuteru Uchida, Japan, 2010
The Jury awards its Grand Prize to the film "Love Addiction" by Uchida Nobuteru. This film develops a psychological drama through cinematic means to an extraordinary level of dramatic intensity. The use of the camera is especially remarkable just as the play of the actors. The jury also underlines the achievement to make a film of great power of expression with very limited financial means.
Special Jury Prize: 光棍兒 Single Man, Jie Hao, China, 2010
Audience Award: Peace, Soda Kazuhiro, Japan and USA, 2010
New Masters
Best Project: Ilo Ilo, Anthony Chen, Singapore
Special Mention: It Must Be a Camel, Charlotte Lim Lay Kuen, Malaysia
To check all films in competition and read the official announcement go here.