Oscar Nominated Shorts Analysis

Trying to predict ALL Oscars categories is not an easy task so you have to "prepare" as much as you can and today together we are going to explore the Oscar nominated shorts using clips from each film.


Day & Night by Teddy Newton

Watch full short here.

The Gruffalo by Max Lang and Jakob Schuh

Watch full short here.

Let's Pollute by Geefwee Boedoe

Watch full short here. (is in French)

The Lost Thing by Andrew Ruhermann and Shaun Tan

Watch full short here.

Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage by Bastien Dubois

Watch full short here.

All right the clips are references but had to watch them completely before daring to do my analysis. So since posting been watching the shorts and the one I like the best is The Lost Thing that has great visuals plus good animation and story (you know me I'm very visual). Then for the story I liked The Gruffalo that also has good animation but is more classical for my taste.

But probably the winner will be Pixar's Day & Night that's the favorite for many and the one gathering more buzz. Another that could have a chance is Let's Pollute for the message and because is done by an ex-Pixar.

So, I'll be picking the ONE I think will win when I do my predictions. Now to the next section.

Live Action

The Confession by Tanel Toom

The Crush by Michael Creagh

God of Love by Luke Matheny

Na Wewe by Ivan Goldschmidt

Wish 143 by Ian Barnes

Watch full short here.


Killing in the Name by Jed Rothstein

Poster Girl by Sara Nesson

Strangers No More by Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon

Sun Come Up by Jennifer Redfearn

Stunning visuals!!!!

The Warriors of Qiugang by Ruby Yang

To read summaries of each short film go here. Have seen a few complete but now let's analyze what we see from clips.

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